Electrical Heating Elements Made in Germany
Developed and manufactured by Türk+Hillinger in Limbach-Oberfrohna
You will find our heating elements in many different applications in the industrial environment. They always heat gases or liquids. In the Limbach-Oberfrohna plant, our employees manufacture a wide range of electrical heating elements:
- Immersion heaters
- Flanged heaters
- Finned tubular heaters
- Electrical air heaters and
- Steel grid element resistors.
Many heating elements are highly standardized and therefore cost-effective. Some applications simply require new designs or materials or performance parameters. With great experience and foresight, our experts develop your perfect heating element together with you – also on site. You will find the right balance of low costs, high quality and safety for each individual application. From us, you can also obtain small series with low minimum purchase quantities.
Our heating elements meet your quality requirements
Made by Türk+Hillinger stands for highest quality made in Germany. We do everything to ensure that our heating elements meet the highest quality requirements. All companies of the Türk+Hillinger group have a continuous quality management system and are certified.
Find out more about our products here, download the necessary information.
In our online shop you can buy standard heating elements directly.
Do you need help in choosing the right heating element for your application?
Contact us.
How Our Customers Use Our Heating Elements
You will find our heating elements in many different exciting applications. We would like to show you one of them here.
Fishery at the Conradsbach
Heating water for food production
T+H immersion heaters are used in the fishing industry at Conradsbach, a traditional family-run fishing business in the Erzgebirge. They heat water for various production steps in fish processing. In winter the company uses the warm water to keep its ponds and facilities ice-free. As a special feature, the operator, the Reißmann family, uses self-generated photovoltaic electricity for their fish farm.
T+H manufactures heating elements that come into contact with food in industrial applications, e.g. during processing (drinking water heating) and packaging (plastic welding, shrinking, label printing). They are approved for contact with food and drinking water.